Wednesday 24 September 2014

The “serial” killer!

I love my mom. I am grateful that she’s not one of those moms who’s control-ly or bossy. She’s not a happy-go-lucky type but she’s not an angry woman either.

I am the opposite of her. Like most women here she lives for the society. Every move she makes in her life depends on what others would think of her. Her life is designed based on the “thinking” of others.  She cried her eyes out  on the day I told her my divorce was final, while I treated myself to biriyani and a chocolate fudge  cake.

One day she said that my marriage was a mistake. I told her I would be more careful the next time I do it!  

I love teasing her and her ways.

But the thing that puts me off is her addiction to the crappy “serials” on tv. Oh my god! The shit they show! It is unbelievable.  Art is exaggeration of life I get it, but the serials cross the line.

Sample :  A small girl loses her ability to speak when she witnesses a man’s fall from a building.  After so much drama and wailing of the chorus singers she goes back to school. Everyone is nicer to that girl, except one. That’s another small girl for crying out loud. She is shown with a background score that is suitable for a horrendous villain when she’s merely  jealous of the attention the other one gets.  The next scene she plans something BIG and BAD and I coudn’t watch any of it no more.

I am kinda addicted too to Hollywood and sitcoms. The movies I watch are too gross or too scary or too violent to my mom. At one point you merge with what you like I guess. I remember the poem I read long time back in which Elliot says that the dancer and the dance become one. I am like what I watch and my mom’s like what she watches.  It is  one  of  the  external  factors  that  leaves  its influence on us. Like the people we meet, like the books we read, what we watch on tv too leaves something inside of us.  We choose and we become!

Monday 1 September 2014

sex is s*x!

What is wrong here? Why can’t we mention “sex” in our conversation? Axn, Romedy now, Zee café, Star world, Star movies, HBO...go silence when characters say  such words!
“ You had ----“ Phoebe said to Monica.
But in the subtitle…”you had sex!”
Or as in some channels “you had s*x!”
 How hypocritical!
That is how it is on tv and in real life. You can have sex, but talking about it and saying “sex” is a taboo.
It’s not just “sex”  Even the word “whisper” gets the girls uncomfortable while it makes guys giggle in my class.
I announced  that they were gonna play  “the Chinese whisper”  in one of my classes  and that shocked them to the core. They froze for a few seconds. Why? “whisper” is a popular sanitary napkin brand!
What pisses me off (…oops! here’s another word!) is that most people are okay with this restriction. They throw the culture crap and say it doesn’t belong to our country – open talk about intimacy and even personal hygiene. Well I’m not for swearing either (which I need to work on myself) but when it is absolutely necessary why hesitate to mention “the words?”
It is not good to pretend like it doesn’t exist in our society. Ignorance is bliss but are we all ignorant? Our kids come to know about how girls get their period, masturbation and sex through their friends in school. I call this “extreme parenting” -  Overprotection on one side and just letting them deal with such important areas on their own on the other side.  Internet teaches them more than what they should know and it is the responsibility of the grownups to give them the actual truth or fact about things. But how many of us do that?
Why do we have to “whisper” such words? Why not say it loudly like it’s no sin?
In one of the class group discussions a student said that it was the girl’s mistake that she was gang raped in a moving bus and thrown away to die. He said that it was not in our culture to have a boy friend or to go out with a boy late in the evening. What was appalling was many students supported his view. We have,  as a society,  made a 20 year old think that way!
 Restrictions in the name of culture and that too only for women.  No offense to the gay community, I always root for them. But I wish all men become gay, and leave us alone!
All the restrictions do not make it any easier on any one. It is just like a boiling molten lava underneath that gushes out when a tiny pore forms on the surface.

Feminism? No, thank you!

  Feminist, I was. Most of the days, there I was in college reading silently books and magazines that talked about the feminist movement and...